When there is up-to-the-moment information out “there” about Britney Sp
ears and Lindsay Lohan and numerous other celebrities, entertainment blogs become a vital source of information—so much so that clicking the refresh button during class or work becomes a necessity versus a propriety violation.
On Friday, April 27, 2007 the Medill Integrated Marketing Communications Professional Speakers Series hosted Richard Weiner, author, columnist and public relations expert. Richard Weiner is the author of Webster's New World Dictionary of Media and Communications, which was a Library Journal "Best Reference Book of the Year." He spoke to attendees (which also included some rather enthusiastic Cabbage Patch Kids uber-fans) about the business of media as well as the impact of blogs and their ability to distribute information through one of the Internet’s most often searched topics—entertainment. The most striking point that Weiner made was that during our meeting hundreds of new blogs had been created (Possibly even including this one!). Weiner said that most blogs start as online diaries—secrets about each individual that they choose to share with the world.
Then there are “hot” blogs. Blogs that are so highly viewed that they are considered bona-fide “superstars.” Many of these jewels are celebrity gossip websites, which reveal secrets not about the authors of a blog, but secrets about the stars, like TMZ.com.
The problem that sometimes arises with these websites is that the information written is unverified. Readers consume and devour these rumors and then immediately pass it on by word of mouth or by sending a link to their friends and cubicle neighbors (behold, the power of viral marketing). Before you know it, it’s on that night’s ET or Access Hollywood, and through the power of repetition what was once rumor is now being reported as FACT.
In quite a few of our IMC classes we’ve talked about the importance of looking to see “where the money is.” So let’s take a moment and take a closer look at these entertainment blogs and whose interests they are serving. While authors of websites like PerezHilton.com may face constant lawsuits, few, if any, are shutting down as a result. They are a legitimate money-making machine for the bloggers, advertisers and for PR firms. First, advertisers are catching on to the potential gold-mine these websites represent—the amount of daily traffic is staggering. And while those in PR are often desperately doing damage control when online gossip websites get hold of their client’s latest wrongdoings, those same PR firms can definitely use the viral power of blogs to promote their client as well. In both cases, the PR firm makes $$$.
In fact, Weiner mentioned that the same concept could be applied to products and services. He went on to say that in this digital age, it is entirely possible for a product or a service to within days, become made or unmade.
So today’s assignment is an easy one. What’s the latest product or service that you think benefited most or benefited least from a blogger’s scrutiny?