Saturday, May 12, 2007


I am the sad, frustrated and betrayed owner of a Lenovo Thinkpad.

On May 2, nine months after purchasing the shiny behemoth laptop, the lights went out. The screen went blank. Since I have a next-business- day repair service warranty for the computer, I didn’t think much of it. As a graduate student I am dependant on my laptop, but I could tough it out one day.

But here we are, 10 days later and I write this from a borrowed Mac.

I have placed 14 calls to customer service, spoken to 5 customer services reps and spent a cumulative 4 hours and 15 minutes on the phone, 74 of which were spent on hold. I have come to terms with the fact that I will never have those 4 hours and 15 minutes back , BUT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, SOMEONE JUST TAKE BACK THIS LENOVO!

Now, I wouldn’t normally do this—just spill this frustration out like this. But then, this IS my second blog. And what’s a little dish among friends?

Apparently a lot.

I finally called the company I purchased the computer through, CDW, to see if they could help. In my last, desperate attempt at a resolution I found myself blurting out “You’ve GOT to help me. I HAVE A BLOG!” Suddenly there was silence. I heard keys clicking in the background. Then I was told the call had been escalated to “critical” and that the situation would be resolved on Monday.

I had laid down the ultimate customer trump card without even knowing it. I threatened the four-letter-word that makes most corporations cringe: B-L-O-G.

Just as customers can praise the merits of their favorite products and services through blogs, negative viral can lead to a brand’s demise. Sites like have sprung up everywhere, allowing customers to complain, and tarnish brand reputations, overnight.

Maybe CDW had a flashback to perhaps the most infamous example of the power of negative viral: the demise of Dell. When Jeff Jarvis blogged about his negative experience, the company ignored his complaint, but thousands of frustrated customers did not.

It’s all about crowd management. There is no such thing as a “lone consumer.” I may look like one person to the customer representative at Lenovo, but I’m not. Like everyone else on the Web, I am networked.

But even Dell learned that backlash blogging can be valuable in its own right. Since the birth of “Dell Hell” the company has changed its attitude towards bloggers. As Jarvis says on his own blog, “bloggers tend to state their problems clearly, which makes it easier (and, I assume, more efficient) to solve them. A problem solved is not only a customer likely to be saved, but also often leads to good PR and branding as the bloggers recount their happy endings.”

In order to track viral, many companies are turning to “search engine reputation.” In his recent post, ClickZ expert Erik Daffom discusses the merits of monitoring “search engine reputation" (SERP), which he defines as the sum feeling a user takes away after querying a search engine for a company's name, product, or representative, regardless of whether the user actually clicks on any results. Viewing negative search results and and consumer rants erodes brand perception.

In order to track what is going on with your brand in the vast abyss of cyberspace many have turned to Google Alerts. The alert lets you know immediately when your name or company is discussed online. You can tag key words such as your company name, company URL and the names of key executives.

This way you can find unhappy customers like me.

Levono: you've been alerted!

ASSIGNMENT: Help me get my computer fixed!


Free Tibet said...

We're here to help. Give me a call at 508 -360 -6147
David Churbuck

VP Global Web Marketing

Anonymous said...

Don't forget that the graduate course faculty are demanding real projects for real companies and foundations that are due in the next two weeks. What about I2's Aidmatrix, and Navistar and others. Professor Caywood

Frusterated Consumer said...

I am also a student who had the screen to my laptop break almost three weeks ago!!! Lenovo promised to have it fixed within 7-10 days. As finals are approaching and the work is piling up, I am left without the most critical component to my studies. If I cannot rely on my Lenvo laptop, I don't see the point of owning it. It is so upseting to me that we were forced to spend so much money on a computer for school that is so unreliable.

Anonymous said...

I resisted the temptation to buy the Lenovo (as "required" by the school) and went with an Apple. I have loved it ever since, as I see Lenovo's dying left and right.....long live the Mac.

Anonymous said...

anonymous said??!!!!

if you're anonymous you have no standing,

prove it or shut up,
uhmm, put up or shut up !

personally, i thing a BLOG is MOB RULE a'la robbespierre and the french revolution,

no proof is needed to make an unfounded assertion,

how does anyone know if you are truthful, half-truthful or just another over-entitled student with a keyboard and a fast internet connection paid for be someone else?

IRT lenovo, et al.,
everyone is held hostage by their suppliers,
from IBM/lenovo to GM to the newspaper vendor on the corner!

i don't know the details of your complaint but i CAN see that you are threatening good people with the headsmans ax without first realizing that shit happens and YOUR only job is not to be there when it does.

in life, you can only depend on yourself 100% so you better be prepared.

(damn overentitled children!)

Anonymous said...

Well said Bill...

Anonymous said...

Oh Bill, how I wish my "fast" connection was paid by someone else...

Although I agree that Blogs can mobilize people for wrong, inaccurate or simply unintelligent reasons, I also consider that Blogs serve a higher purpose: connecting you and me. You see, without this blog, we might have never crossed paths, and although nothing has come of it (yet), you have found a place to air your grievances against us "damn over-entitled children" in the same way "anonymous" has found an avenue to air his/her thoughts on this issue.

So, before you condemn the bloggers of the world, remember that these "good people" we are "threatening" by demanding minimally helpful customer service made a promise and then broke it. This ENTITLES us to complain. Just as the fact this blog is written entitles you to rant against the authors.

Anonymous said...

dear martinez:

you have a good point,

and i was, perhaps, a little quick on the draw,

it IS, however, a little late for me and time is short, so i will just warn that i might add to this BLOG with more opinion, tomorrow.

But, lets face it, BLOGS are a terrific waste of time.

let me leave all you student types with this little bit of hope for the future for you to digest until my next addition to the online noise level:

isn't information wonderful?

Anonymous said...

I have just bought a Levono desktop... Was it a mistake???

Anonymous said...

I don't think it was a mistake. I own a Lenovo and have had no problems with it. As a matter of fact, I used to own an apple powerbook and the screen died on me. The people at apple told me it would cost me as much as I paid for the whole computer to fix it. This can happen to anyone with any computer.

Anonymous said...

Hey, it's me here.. BlogMaster Flash herself. No, it's not a mistake. Even if there is a hiccup in the warranty program, the machine itself is great.

Supremus said...

Been there done that.

LENOVO = NO LOVE. No anagram explains it better :D

Best of luck.


Free Tibet said...

Actually Suyog, we showed quite a bit of care.

I believe the affected PC has been replaced.

David Churbuck
VP Global Web Marketing

Anonymous said...

I am a friend of Blogmaster Flash who also have problems with the school "required" Lenovo. Can I call you, Dave? Because the last time I talked to one of your customer service reps, he wasn't very helpful at all.

Anonymous said...

Can anybody tell me what do I have to do to get my laptop fixed. It's getting more annoying every second.

Anonymous said...


Saw your posts on this thread and the other - looking into your case to get it resolved. Apologies for the trouble.

Anonymous said...

Mark, my laptop is not fixed yet.

Anonymous said...


Your right - the repair effort today was troubled. However I believe a work around to accomodate your schedule and pending travel has been made for this evening.