Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Top Ten Ways to Ruin Your Podcast

#10 - Name your podcast “Sometimes I like to think out loud and record myself”

#9 - Be the seven-layer dip of podcasts

#8 - Practice your used cars salesman impression

#7 - The only measuring you ever do is with your ruler

#6 - Just like the rules of dating, keep your listeners guessing

#5 - Look a gift horse in the mouth

#4 - Assume listening to your podcast is the only thing your audience has to do all day

#3 - Link your podcast to your grandmother's blog…only your grandmother's blog

#2 - Record your podcast on the El

#1 - Speak to Kellogg marketing listeners about customer-centric organizations


Clarke L. Caywood, Ph.D. said...

Smart, sassy and to the point. #1 should generate some controversy. Not sure why I laugh when I hear a laugh track, but I did smile. Clarke

PS. the top ten announcer was fantastic.

bernardo said...

Another common mistake: using lame musicalisation and/or bad recording equipment. I'm inviting you into my ears, treat them with respect!